Fredericksburg, tx REALTOr / VACATION RENTAL CFO

While you explore all the homes for sale Fredericksburg, Texas has around—let real estate expert, Tami Smith assist you. Tami’s background consists of receiving a Master’s degree in social work at the University of Texas at Arlington, and faithfully worked for several years in social services focusing on patient rehabilitation, hospice, nursing and mental health. 

She moved to Fredericksburg with her family in 1997. Following some casual banter and a bet with longtime friend Tammy Sikes Pack, her career took an unexpected deviation and led to what is now the premier booking agency in Fredericksburg- Absolute Charm Vacation Rentals, with 140 locations under management. Since 2007, Tami has been managing the business, making her an expert in investment property and transitioning her seamlessly into the real estate business. She knows every hidden property gem in Fredericksburg.

Tami stems from a large family and she and her father are the only members in four generations who boast a college degree. Her father attained his degree at the age of 40, but she chose the direct route to attaining her Master’s Degree. She has developed a natural drive in all that she does and will not take “no” for an answer. 

A bizarre experience in Hong Kong led her parents to decide to never embark on a family vacation or travel again. Tami refused to allow this fear to predominate and has since traveled to London, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary.   

Tami has mastered the art of handling B&B clients and customers with diplomacy, efficiency and integrity. She brings this same skill to her real estate practice.  Her enthusiasm for life is contagious and has led to many successful relationships in the local business world. 

tami smith absolute charm real estate fredericksburg texas realtor